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President and Sister Hiers |
I LOVE my new companion so much! Her name is Hermana Murillo and she is from California and she is awesome at Spanish. She is my trainer and guess what!? SHE LOVES TO GO RUNNING----AND SHE EVEN WAKES UP AT 6:00 a.m. TO EXERCISE! It makes me so happy! She is such a sweet person, and I can't wait to get to know her. We actually did P90X "Ab Ripper" today in our living room. We are doing the "biggest loser" competition....and I am determined to WIN!!! She is going to be an awesome trainer, and I can't wait to learn all about Spanish and the gospel and missionary work from her.
I live in Brigham City like a couple blocks away from where the new temple is! That temple is absolutely gorgeous! My area is GIGANTIC, because it is a lot of farm land up here. It is quote and quote "the hardest area in the entire mission" because of its 95 percent population of Mormons, many who are inactive. So I will be doing a TON of re-activation into the church. I can't wait. It is a driving mission because the houses are so spread out and me and my companion are focused just on the Latinos in the area. Can I just say, I LOVE the field!!!! It's like 10000000 million times better than being trapped up in the MTC all day. I live in the basement of a member's home and we have a little kitchen and room. It is a REALLY "humble" home, but I am liking it a lot.
Oh yeah! I sang in church at the MTC on sunday! A lot of people where touched by the song. Me, Hermana Gamboa and a kid in our district sang "We will bring the world his truth medley." The branch president at the MTC said he wanted us to stay another week so that we could have more music! hahaha, I love sharing the gospel through music. They said that music is going to be a HUGE part of mission, and I can't wait.
Anyways! Today has been an awesome day! We had the opportunity to go to the Logan temple! It is absolutely GORGEOUS! My dream came true after all mom and dad.....remember how I was always like, "Man, I really want to go to the Logan temple" ? Well we just got done with a session and I loved it a lot. I love being in the temple, it brings such peace and happiness. I have really needed that these past couple of days, especially when trying to adjust to this new type of missionary life. We will probably go to the Brigham City Temple in the next couple of weeks, we just have to schedule WAY ahead of time because it is super busy.
Yesterday I had to wake up at 3:50 a.m. to catch the Frontrunner up here to Ogden and then we had 2 appointments, zone and district training and we had a mini-lesson with our progressing investigator. It was amazing! We speak in both Spanish and English. Usually English for the kids in the house and Spanish for the parents. The spirit was so strong and so incredible! I had to teach to the members that we ate dinner with, and it was super scary, but actually I just loved it a lot! I got to talk about my favorite scripture---> Proverbs 3:5-6.
It is really cold here. But it is AMAZING how serving and teaching the people in this area warms you up. (not to mention the awesome car that we get to have!) Here is a little miracle that just happened last night. Side note...the Lord is in the DETAILS of our lives....here is an example of how. Yesterday we found out that the place we live doesn't have heat. And I only have one coat and one blanket, and the mission home didn't provide us with anything but a pillow. So, I was like! Oops! I have no blankets. But anyways, I prayed and we talked to some people and all the sudden members brought like 5 blankets over and someone purchased a quilt for me! I feel like the luckiest Sister missionary in the world. It is so important that we trust in the Lord, because He really will provide a way for us to be happy, even if it seems unlikely.
The area I am in is a tracking area, so I will be knocking doors all day for the next 6-8 weeks. I am really nervous about that, but I am sure I will learn a lot. Everyone keeps telling me that "Oh, the Brigham City area? Oh, that is where the Lord teaches patience." So we will see what happens. I am actually like way excited to find the people that need the gospel, or just need a reminder of why the gospel is so crucial in our lives. Even though it is P-day today we have 3 appointments tonight, and I am so excited---but also really nervous.
I am also extremely grateful that I don't have to eat MTC food....EVER AGAIN. We have a blender at our house and so you know what that means.....Brookie is going to buy stuff to make some smoothies today!!! WA HOO! My p-days are now TUESDAYS and I have a LOT more time to email, which is nice.
I have so much to learn. And the mission has been HARD. But the best kind of hard. The kind that you hate so much you love it. The kind that pushes you in ways that you never thought you could be pushed. There have been so many times when I have just wanted to call up my family and be like---COME GET ME NOW! But, I am alone. It is just me and the Lord. And I turn to Him with all my doubts and fears and by some miraculous way I am able to get through the day and I am able to find the blessings in which he has given to me. I am striving SO hard to develop Christlike attributes, and SO hard to find people and be prepared to teach. But sometimes it gets hard. And that is when I literally have to get on my knees and tell Heavenly Father, "I don't want to do this, and I can't do it alone. But I know you can help me to do this." and you know what? Every single time He does. And I am so grateful. I am NOTHING without Him. I also remember and try to implement President Hinckley's quote "Forget yourself, and go to work." And that is what I am striving to do. Forget about me and my worries and how I feel and GO TO WORK.
Tell Aunt Susan thanks a TRILLION for her package that she sent me in the MTC! It was perfect!
STAND STRONG! I love you. You are all my HEROES!!
Your biggest fan,
Hermana Weenig
Argentina!!! Well, sometime in the future. :)
My MTC District and Teachers
With my friend, Hermana Taylor Thomas, who will serve in
Sacramento California. I was fortunate to see her everyday
at the MTC. We were on the same floor. Love her!
Sacramento California. I was fortunate to see her everyday
at the MTC. We were on the same floor. Love her!
Huge bonus. The Logan, Utah Temple
is in the Utah Ogden Mission.
is in the Utah Ogden Mission.
I randomly found you via Google. I was an hermana Weenig as well. I served in Santiago Chile but ironically my husband served in Washington D.C. I am older now with two beautiful children ages 8 & 5. How are we related? My dad is Dave Weenig. His mother was Lucille Weenig. She just recently passed away. Good luck on your mission. Hope to figure out how we are related ;-)