One of our investigators is Marisol. She has been going through a lot of hard times right now and we have been helping her use the Gospel to find the hope and strength that she needs to continue onward. She had slipped into depression right before we met her, so we have been trying to serve her in every way possible. One day we helped her go through all of the millions of things she had saved from the 80's and helped her organize it so that she could have a garage sell. She was so happy. And what is even more amazing is that her mom who has been really cold to us in the past, has started to soften and now wants us to teach her as well. SERVICE is SUCH a POWERFUL tool as a missionary and as a person. When we teach the gospel to Marisol, her face starts to light up and she sits on the edge of her chair. She asks us questions about why we are here and what the Lord really wants us to get out of life. Teaching her has made me realize that there are SO many people out there just like Marisol---those who are SEARCHING for the truth but they don't know where to find it. I know that this is the true church and true gospel, and because I know this I also know that I have purpose and meaning in life. I feel so honored to be able to share the knowledge with all those I meet.
The Lord works in extremely mysterious ways! We had a member of our ward pass away....Berto a 25 year old man who was baptized about a year ago had a random heart attack and died. We were so, so, so sad. He was a powerful member and convert. We had no idea about the funeral or viewing or anything and thought it would be in Maryland. But we got a call on the phone with the information of where the viewing was. And can I tell you something? I hate Satan. We knew that we could go to the viewing and talk to all of Berto's friends and family that were non-members and give them hope in such a dark time of their lives. Just as we were leaving, we realized we had locked the keys in the house. GREAT! haha but by some miracle the maintenance man came running over to us and asked us if there was anything he could do for us...and he let us it our house! MIRACLE! We were able to arrive at the viewing. While there we were sharing the plan of salvation with everyone. The sister of the brother who died asked us if we could teach all of the people in attendance. We accepted. She gathered everyone together in the meeting room (about 200 people). My companion got really scared and said that I should just do it. So I gave a 10 minutes improv talk about the plan of Salvation in front of all these people---IN SPANISH (I was shaking in my boots, but all I remember is OPENING MY MOUTH and the words came flying out). My Spanish wasn't perfect, but I know that the Spirit was there and it truly was the Spirit that touched their hearts. The words "I know that you will and can see Berto again. I know that because Christ lives, we will live again also. We can live together forever as families." came out of my mouth and there was silence. The Spirit was so strong in that room, I will never forget it. After I sat down people came up to us wanting to know more about the gospel. We got 5 new investigators from that funeral! It was AMAZING!!!! The Lord truly is incredible.
The Lord is truly helping me overcome my weaknesses---especially my weakness of not speaking perfect Spanish. We are literally talking and teaching in Spanish all day everyday in Spanish. I love it. Yesterday I volunteered to teach the Gospel Principles class in our ward! (What was I thinking?!) I have no idea---a 50 minute lesson all in Spanish? I was praying like ALLLLL morning to have the Spirit with me so that I could teach through the Spirit and not words. I think it worked. The investigators in the class said that they learned a lot, but it was NOT me---that is for sure. I have learned that the promise in Doctrine and Covenants is true. If we rely on the Lord, He will fill our mouths with the words that we need to say.
The member-missionary training last night was amazing! It hit what we, as missionaries, so desperately need! And that is YOU!!!! I have seen the power of member missionaries with those who are in our ward. In fact one sister, Sister Riley, wants to quit her job so she can do more missionary work! I wouldn't be surprised if she did. Members are so powerful because they know where they people are that are being prepared to hear the Gospel. And what is even more powerful is that they are their friends, they know how they feel, think and act. So I would invite you to remember that us missionaries can't do anything lasting and effective without the help and love of the ward members! WE NEED YOU! What we do every time we run into a member is that we invite them to pray to receive revelation on how we can help and teach their friends who aren't members or maybe who are members who have fallen away. I invite all of you to do the same. WE ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM and we WILL WIN THIS ALL-OUT WAR AGAINST SATAN! Oh, did I tell you? I am officially waging an all-out war against Satan. You are invited. Lets do this.
One of our recent converts just went through the temple with her entire family to be sealed for all time and eternity. What a special day. Their entire family was glowing. I thought of all of the people that we are
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Orenalla Family. Sealed for all time and eternity in the Washington D.C. temple |
One thing that I have learned about Virginia---IT IS HOT. Like hotter than I ever thought was possible. I am sweating all day every day. Gross, right? Yep. But true. Walking outside is awesome because we meet tons and tons of people the only problem is is that I am terrified that they probably think I just ran through the sprinklers because I feel like I did. But, I have missed the humidity! I love it so much! Also it LOVES to rain here. It rains at least once a day and then for the rest of the day it is WAY hot. Good thing I love the heat. I love the heat.:)
Thanks for all your support, love and prayers! Know that I love you and pray for you every night! I love you so much!
SHOUT OUT--Austin! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD! Austin Jay Weenig, I love you so much! And I hope that your birthday is amazing! Expect a card here in the mail sometime soon from me! I love you so much and I am soooooooooooooo glad you were born into our family! I hope your birthday is AWESOME! I will be thinking of you on your special day! I LOVE YOU!
Stand strong,
Hermana Weenig :)
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Adalia. Recent Convert who is 9 years old who is now writing a book about how the Gospel can change the lives of people. |
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I loved Arlington Cemetary. SO COOL. Cool place to be at resurrection....right? |
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