HOLA!!! Mi Amor!!! Como estan? Ojala que te vaya bien este semana!!
My dear beautiful family and friends,
love being a missionary. Spring is FINALLY here (no more freeeeeeezing
days--hopefully). And guess what? The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been
restored again on the earth today--for real. The principles we learn by
immersing ourselves in the gospel are real, and they have the power to
change us into the people that we want to be---if we let it. This week,
more than ever before in my life, I have seen the Gospel of Jesus Christ
CHANGE LIVES. I have seen people, just within the last few weeks that I
have been here stop smoking, sacrifice work to come to church and make
huge commitments and sacrifices to step into the waters of baptism. I
look at these people and think---WOW, how can they do this? But then I
realize it is because they FEEL a change through the Holy Ghost and
through the joy that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our lives.
The work that we are involved in as missionaries and members alike (for
we are all enlisted) is more powerful than I could've ever imagined. I
have so much to learn and so many weaknesses to overcome. I am nothing,
but a servant to my King. But I know that through Jesus Christ and His
atonement I can become exactly the woman He wants me to be. And I know
He can do the same for you. Our weaknesses can
become strengths---if we rely on Him to help us reach our full potential
and more. We are children of a King, how cool is that?! I hope all of
us remember that, no matter how tough the road gets.
Okay, I am getting WAYYYY to preachy. :) Sorry! But
listen to this.You won't believe this! I finally have my first tracting
battle wounds!! I am so happy! My companion and I after we tract all
day we laugh about our battle wounds. Whether it is when we fall from
not seeing a curb....or haha or just walking a lot! Man, tracting is
one of my favorite things. We get to meet the most amazing people and
people of all different types-people that hate us and people that give
us homemade jam! I love it! I have learned how important member
missionaries are, as they can help guide us to the people who are ready
to hear the message of the restoration. We ask everyone we meet for
referrals and this week the Lord had prepared a LOT of people for us. We
can bearly keep up! We are indeed weak servants of the Lord, and
everyday it is a battle--but finding just even that ONE person makes the
hard day all worth it.
I love this area in which I am serving right now. The
only thing is, is that I can't wait for it to stay warm--Dear Summer,
come as quick as possible!!! :) Even though I am in Brigham City, UT, I
feel like I am in a foreign country. (p.s. sorry if this email has
really bad grammar this is the first English I have written/spoke since
last week) Since people from all over the world live here I have had the
opportunity to meet and teach people from Bolivia, Mexico, Peru, Spain,
Guatemala and get this---CORDOBA, ARGENTINA!!!!!! Can you believe it!?
The Lord puts people in our path to inspire us and to let us know that
life is WAY too good. Yesterday, we got to teach a woman from Argentina!
Her father came from Cordoba and was there telling me all about it! I
learned so much! I am excited for my VISA to come, and I know that it
will take a lot of patience...but I am supposed to be here right now,
because that is where the Lord wants me to be. The Lord knows me SO much
better than I do, and all I can do is focus on the things I can
control, and getting my VISA faster is not one of those things. I
seriously LOVE the people here so much, and can't wait to get to know
them even better. Also I LOVE the food and the cool thing is....is that I
am learning how to cook Mexican, Argentine, and Italian food!! Since
all the people we teach are from a different country they also know how
to make delicious food! So that has been a blast learning all these
different cultures, foods and accents! I have loved it!
For the most important part of this letter....
work. Missionary Work is a LOT of work. But I think it is the most
rewarding kind. The tricky part is, is that it demands faith. In Alma,
we learn that faith is like a seed, the seed being the word of God. In
order to have faith and to build faith it requires that we "treasure the
word in our hearts" and that we act according to what the word says.
That is really hard sometimes. But I know if we will do it the Lord
will bless us as it says in Alma 32:43 "Then, my brethren, ye shall reap
the rewards of your faith, and your diligence, and patience, and
long-suffering, waiting for the tree to bring forth fruit unto you."
Sometimes I feel like a lot of the work we are doing here is merely
planting seeds. A lot of people don't want to talk to us because they
are devoted Catholic, but I know that everyone has their time. I
just hope our testimony that we leave with them will someday bloom and
open doors for them in which they can receive the Gospel. I have faith
that it will, even though it is really hard to believe sometimes.
My companion and I have become great friends as we have
had the best of times and the worst of times. We have tried in every way
possible to stay busy and to be working every second that the Lord has
given us to work. Right now we are focused on finding people
(tracting) and building relationships and strengthen the members in our
branch. I don't know if I have said this before but my companion and I are
over the Sycamore Branch here in Brigham City. But the branch includes
people from all around the 20 mile radius of Brigham City. So it is a
large area. There are about 100 members in our Spanish branch. There is a
lot more that are inactive. My companion and I are doing everything we
can to strengthen the relationship between us and ward members so that
they can learn how to be powerful missionaries and how they can play a
vital role in reactivating those that are less-active. This week has been a
lot of strategic action. We have been meeting a lot with our ward
mission leader to get him involved in the work in every way possible. We
have had to develop that relationship with him, but I think that he is
finally on board, and more and more members are starting to trust us. We
also have been doing a lot of reactivating!! A few of the people we
have been teaching are finally starting to come back to church!! I am SO
happy!! Sometimes they just needed to be reminded of the joy they felt
when they attended church, and other times they need to be reminded that
church isn't about the people---it is about the PRINCIPLES that are
taught and reinforced there.

There are so many stories and not enough time to tell
them all, but let me just tell you about this other family we are
teaching! The family's name is the Rodreguiezs. The dad is waiting for
his Green Card so that he can be a legal citizen of the USA, and lives
with his girlfriend and they have two kids. More than anything they want
to be baptized, but they can't because they aren't married. We asked
why they hadn't been married and it is because he registered for his
green card as a single man and has been waiting 10 years for it. If he
gets married, then all of that waiting will go to waste, as the process
starts all over again. They are the most amazing couple I have ever met
though. We have been teaching them all about the church and this past
week we took them to the chapel to do a tour. Their eyes sparkled as we
showed them what church is like and all the things that they can learn
within its walls. They are so anxious to be baptized, and I pray that
their papers will come soon so that they can be married and then
baptized as well. It will take a miracle. But I know through faith that
miracles can happen! I hope they remember that, we tell them to keep
praying and keep working hard. The mom said her favorite thing about
going to church is the music. And so my companion and I decided to end
the tour in the chapel and do a lesson on the importance and
significance of the sacrament. I then got to sing them my favorite Hymn
"I know that my Redeemer Lives". It was in Spanish and it was rough,
but I know that the Spirit was able to communicate the peace and the
message that is present in that song. We also brought a member from the
branch to fellowship them, and they went to Temple Square on Saturday
with the member and her husband! We are so excited to see what is
happening with this family! I can't wait to see them together and sealed
as a family for all time and eternity. :)
Other than that, we have been doing a lot of
contacting, referrals and finding. I've never realized till now the
importance of the Spirit. When we rely upon Him, we are led to exactly
where we need to be, and we learn the things that help us to become the
missionaries and people that the Lord needs us to be. Cheri, another
less active, has been a smoker for years and was abused by her husband.
She hasn't gone to church in 20 years and we found her living in a
beaten down trailer park. 3 weeks ago you wouldn't recognize her as the
same person. She has cleaned her house, is reading the book of Mormon
and bought brand new shoes to go to church in and she is starting to
give up smoking!! She said "you girls were the push from God that I
needed to get my life back together." But it wasn't us, it was the
Spirit. I am so excited for the changes she is making. She is so much
happier and so much more confident in who she is.
We also do service every week either teaching English or singing for the people in the Senior Center. I love it so much.
I have noticed that God really does know us. And He
really does watch over us in everything we do! I've learned to pay close
attention to the people that He puts in our paths. Because it is
usually from those people that we learn the most important life lessons.
I learn so much from everyone we meet. I love the mission. I feel like
it is INFORMATION overload. I just hope I can soak it in. (especially
the Spanish language.)

The Lord continues to pour out His blessings here in Brigham City,
UT. Everyday I feel like there is a door opened. And when one closes
another one opens--sometimes we just have to be looking for that open
I hope that all of you are so happy and that you are
safe, healthy and enjoying this journey called life. There is so much to
enjoy in life and so much to learn. People and those relationships we
build with those on this earth and our Eternal Father and so vitally
important. I never want to take them from granted. NEVER GIVE UP. LIFE
Challenge of the week: Every night
write down at least 1 thing that you are grateful for. It can be a
person, a place, an idea or anything. I find the more we look for the
blessings in our lives the happier we become. I want to hear about
what blessings you find! We are so blessed and the Lord gives us so
many things to bless our lives. I hope you all know that you are all
HUGE blessings in my life, and for that I can never thank you enough.
I am so proud of all of you and all you are
accomplishing and doing. REMEMBER---"Through God, all things are
possible" and that we can do anything with the power of faith. Know that
I am always there cheering you on and praying for you everyday. I love
you all so much and can't thank you enough for your examples and
support. The work is ROLLING forward.
STAND STRONG. Helaman 5:12
Your biggest fan,
Hermana Weenig :)
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