I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. This week has been BUSY, and it flew by like a dream! We went on two exchanges this week, are preparing Ana and Dana for their baptisms this coming weekend, and were busy doing things for the ward and our investigators for Easter. I am learning an incredible concept on the mission. When we think that we can't go any farther, God carries us. Sometimes in life we have got tons to do, and at time it may seem like a lot. But, when we put God first He gives us the strength to continue pressing forward---He makes us STRONGER to carries our LOADS...but He doesn't just take the LOAD from us. Because our loads (the good, the bad, the amazing, the worst) is what makes us who we are, and shapes us into the people that we are supposed to become. Let Christ make you strong---He will help you carry your backpack up the mountain, and when you get to the top--WOW--you will realize what an incredible being you have become.
So....Dana's parents are Catholic, always have been and it is a family tradition. Well, Dana wants to be baptized more than ANYTHING in the world. Last week, when we asked her parents if she could receive permission to be baptized, they said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT." They told us that she could make the decision to be baptized when she reaches the age of 18. Well, Dana is 11. So, that was a long ways away. We prayed. Dana prayed. Nancy prayed. PRAYER WORKS. We prayed that Heavenly Father would soften the heart of Dana's parents so that she can get baptized on the 26 of April. Well, on Tuesday, I was on an exchange with one of my prior companions (Hermana Sorensen, who is amazing) and we received a message from Nancy. "OUR PARENTS ALL THE SUDDEN CHANGED THEIR MINDS! DANA IS GETTIN' BAPTIZED!!!!" We were screaming and jumping up and down we were so excited! What a miracle! What is even more, is that her parents said that they are going to come to her baptism and see her get baptized! I have no doubt that their entire family will be baptized soon enough. WHAT A MIRACLE! Dana is loving the Gospel, and she is getting really involved with the ward, and making a ton of friends there. She soaks everything we teach her up like a sponge. She says the thing that scares her most about getting baptized is, "getting dunked." She is so cute. For Easter, we used the candy and Easter eggs (thanks mom, you are awesome!) to do an Easter egg hunt with Dana. She loved it!!! We couldn't be more excited to see her progressing so much and just drinking up the Gospel. She is going to be a huge difference maker in the church, particularly in the young women's.
PROMISED BLESSINGS HAPPEN! Remember last week, how I was talking about Byron and the incredible lesson we had with him and president Burton? Well, President Burton promised him if he started living a certain commandment that the Lord would help his immigration papers pass before May 10 (his baptism). Well, guess what?!?! Just the other day we went over to teach him, and the first thing that they told us with gigantic smiles on their faces was, "BYRON RECEIVED HIS IMMIGRATION PAPERS FOR MAY 5!!!!" Miracle. It just goes to show that when we are keeping the commandments, that the Lord will bless us and we will see miracles in our own lives. Byron also is LOVING the Gospel Library App on his own iPad. He studies the lessons and reads like crazy. Well, when we went over to teach him about tithing, he already knew the entire lesson and MORE. Miracles.
Exchanges. Wow. These missionaries are incredible! Being able to work with and serve these hermanas is changing my life---especially my perspective on life. Just seeing these incredible girls---learning of their own conversion stories, seeing the battles that they have had to face, and then to see them on a mission---working hard and giving it all to the Lord. It is INCREDIBLE. Everyone has a story. And I love hearing about how they have used the Atonement to conquer ugly monsters, and just seeing how incredible it is that they have come out on top. Learning of their stories and seeing them in action is inspiring. We had the opportunity to go on 2 exchanges this week, and it was exhausting, but a spiritual feast. I consider them to be MY trainers...because I am learning so much more from them then they are from me. I am so grateful for each of them. Exchanges are truly Holy Ground and sacred and we learn so much about ourselves and how we can be closer to God and what things we need to change to allow us to be better.
I had the opportunity to go on an exchange with one of the hermanas in Sudley. This area has been struggling a little, and so we were praying for miracles to happen on the exchange where we could find new people for them to teach and kick-start member work. It has been incredible to see the power of prayer. God truly does hear our prayers and wants us to succeed in the things that we are doing, and so it was. We prayed. Doors opened, people were prepared and we taught 4 lessons with a member present in one night! It was incredible! God can do the impossible. And with Him, the word "impossible" changes from a fact, to just an opinion.
One of our inactive that we are working with has been struggling with an eating disorder. She is finally starting to rely on the atonement and let His grace make up for the things she can't change herself. It is a valuable lesson to learn that when we can't do it, or when we can't go on that God can make us whole and turn us into a successful masterpiece. My favorite part about this marvelous work is seeing the change in the lives of these people. Seeing them start to rely on the Savior Jesus Christ and allowing him to carry their burdens.
THIS WARD IS ON FIRE! The members are PUMPED-UP about missionary work and are working like crazy with us to bring souls unto Christ. This week, we have been working with a lot of members we haven't used before, and it has been a true miracle! When members and missionaries work together---the work and progression of this Kingdom is UNSTOPPABLE. I LOVE THIS WARD. They are like family, truly.
Bryan Huarita, who was recently baptized, is prepping to go on a mission! WAHOOO! In prep, we are having him teach US all of the missionary discussions. He is tearing it up, and is going to be an incredible missionary.
OTHER BIGGEST MIRACLE OF THE WEEK: 7 people came to church this week!!! WHAT A MIRACLE. Seriously. I can't even believe it. God is incredible. 3 of the people that came are 3 GOLDEN new investigators that found the church through looking it up online! What a miracle! One of them, Sandra, from Bolivia, said she went to the church in Bolivia and loved it. We started teaching her this week and it was probably one of the most incredible experiences that I have ever had on my mission. Sandra is ELECT, and she will be baptized soon. It is amazing to see how the work is hastening in every aspect.
For Easter Sunday, the ward asked us to perform a song. We arranged a mash-up of "Beautiful Savior" and "Where can I turn for peace". The ward said they loved it! It was really fun to translate and work with my musical genius companion to come up with something extra special.
Easter was beautiful. I love the Savior Jesus Christ and to celebrate that we can have a renewed life through Him is the most important thing we can learn in this life. USE THE ATONEMENT DAILY. It makes you strong, helps you overcome weakness and makes all that is hard and unjust, right again. I am so eternally grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and that He constantly walks by us, guiding us and strengthening us. Because He lived and died and lived again. I can re-start again. and again. and again if necessary. And so can you. :)
Miracles are happening right and left and there is so much work to be done! I love it so much here and I am so grateful for all your love, support, letters, emails and everything. You all are incredible.
Hermana Weenig
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We missionaries preach with AMOR. :) |
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Hermana Woodbury, Dana and I on Easter afternoon |
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Dana and I. This was yesterday for the Easter Eggs hunt! She found all of the eggs! It was the first Easter egg hunt of her life :) |
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ROSCO! Nancy and Dana's crazy dog! She helped Dana find all the Easter eggs! Nice. |
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Selfie with my amazing companion, Hermana Woodbury |
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Industrialism...saw this walking down the Washington DC mall. |
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We went to the national art museum and saw pieces of art from Leonardo DaVinci, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso. WOW. It was incredible! I feel cultured! |
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Cherry Blossoms by the Potomac river in Washington DC! What a beaut! |
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BEAUTIFUL CHERRY BLOSSOMS! There were so many people there! But it was gorgeous to see! |
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