I love being a missionary. Seriously, I love it. Like I
am literally living my dream life and can't stop thinking about how
much I love these people and this work. I seriously can't believe it is
p-day again. I told my companion that I didn't want to have a p-day
because I just want to work. :) she didn't really like that idea, so
here I am. But, CAN YOU SAY BUSY!? This past
week has literally flown by. Time seems to be slipping through my
fingers and there isn't enough time to do all the things we need to do.
But can I tell you something? Training and white-washing is the best and
the most fun that I have ever had on my mission. I am LOVING it. It is
really hard and stressful, but God is literally carrying us and miracles
are happening every single day. My companion and I are literally
sweating like 102893092839081209381 gallons of sweat everyday and we
have like 30948203948390842908 mosquito bites on our legs. We are like
constantly itching and then laughing because our legs literally look
like we have the plague! But "vale la pena" (its all worth it). Here is
to one of the best weeks that I have ever had on my mission. Literally.
Thank you Heavenly Father.
So my companion and I have been super busy building
member trust and building relationships with the "big wigs" like the
bishop and ward missionary leader and ward missionaries and the ward
council. We have been busy pulling weeds, cleaning houses and dishes and
teaching a lot of family nights to help the members see us as true
representatives of Jesus Christ. I love service, like more than anything
else in life. There is just something about it that not only shows
others how much you love them, but it also builds your relationship in a
way that nothing else could. I love it. AH! But we have begun to see
the results of it already! In fact, we picked up 15 referrals just this
past week! No idea how that happened. But it sure makes an empty area
book fill up fast. Not only are the members eagerly looking for people
to share the gospel with us, but they ALL volunteer to come to lessons
with us. THIS WARD IS ON FIRE!!!!! Most all of them have been baptized
within the past 5 years and this ward gets about 30 baptisms a year! So
everyone has "caught the wave" of missionary work and it is the coolest
thing ever. They are willing to drop whatever they are doing (work
included) to come out and tract with us or come to lessons with us.
AMAZING!! The church should come film this ward, and show everyone how
it works. It makes me so excited for when I come home to implement all I
am learning about how to be a true member missionary. DEAR LOVED
ONES---I LOVE YOU. BUT HELP THE MISSIONARIES!!! Pray, seek inspiration
for people they can teach, go with them to lessons, DO ANYTHING! They
need you. Without the members, we are nothing...because we NEED
fellowship in order to build COVERTS not just baptism. :) There was my
missionary soapbox. But really---stop reading this email and get to work
Miracles are happening everyday.
Jacklyn! JACKLYN! JACKLYN!!!!!!!!! She
is on fire. Like hotter than it is outside. (which, by the way is an
astounding 112 degrees plus humidity). Our district had a baptism this
week, and so we invited Jacklyn and Ricardo to come see what they will
be doing. They came and they brought their ENTIRE family!! Jacklyn loved
it, and told us that she can't wait to be in the font on August 10th.
After the baptism we took her on a church tour with a recent convert
member and her husband Ricardo and she expressed to us that she knows
that this is the true church with all of her heart. The Spirit jabbed my
heart like a big drink of hot chocolate. Looking at Jacklyn and her
smile and just seeing her making all these changes....giving up tea,
giving up her Sunday work, reading and praying daily, coming to church
every week....man, it is AMAZING. She is so much happier and it has been
SO fun to see her progress in these past couple of weeks. We are hoping
and praying that her husband (Ricardo) who also wants to get baptized,
is able to quit smoking ASAP so he too can be baptized. He is down to
only 2 cigars a day, but still not enough. We are going over tonight to
take his pack from him.....if he lets us. We, of course will not be
smoking the cigars. But anyways Jacklyn came to church again this week!
She is so solid. She is really good friends with Hermana Rojas who is
another Peruvian in our ward. They hit it off really well. But the even
greater thing is, is that she came to ALL THREE HOURS OF CHURCH and she
loved it! In relief society the ladies went crazy! They like attacked
her almost with so much love. My companion and I were literally almost
crying because we have never seen anything like it. it was almost scary,
but actually probably the greatest thing that ever happened. She had
like 10 woman around her asking her questions for like the whole day at
church! AMAZING. They also had her introduce herself in front of the
whole relief society and Jackyln announced her baptism! She said "I know
that this is where I belong. I have been to a lot of different churches
and this is the only one that feels right." When she announced that she
is going to baptized on the 10th of August the relief society really
GASPED. All the oxygen in the room was taken out of the room and I am
pretty sure some of the older ladies passed out because of their
excitement. WHAT A GREAT DAY AT CHURCH! Not to mention all the crazy
kisses I got on my cheek. My companion and I have decided that we will
probably develop a bruise on our cheek from all the "besitos" we get. So
much for no kissing on the mission....by the time I get home my kissing
charts will have been off the charts!
Anyways are you ready for my super sketchy mafia story
that turned into a woman and girl who are going to be baptized on the
24th of August?
So Hermano Tapia is our ward mission leader and
he is literally the greatest thing that ever happened to missionary
work. If a member can't go with us to a lesson he is hounding them and
makes them find someone else to go with us. He lives in this super rich
apartment complex and knows how to work the system. This apartment
complex is also filled with Hispanics. One night we wanted to meet with
him and discuss areas to tract and to involve members in the ward. So we
were to meet with him around eight and he took us to this bar in a far,
dark corner. It seriously probably looked like we were working for the
mafia because it was dark and we had a map and were talking about
specific names. But, Hermano Tapia is a champion---we got a lot of ground
work laid. Then there was an Hispanic lady in the lobby and Hermano. Tapia
said..."hey! go teach her." So I walked over to start teaching Jill, who
is from Columbia. She was literally prepared carefully by the Lord. We
sat down and started to teach the first discussion. She loved it. She
said---this makes sense! and she accepted to be baptized. But literally
right as we were discussing baptism the power went out and we were
sitting right next to the elevators. People were trapped in the
elevators! But, we continued to teach (we didn't know what else to
do...like oops, but we had no other option). Long story short....Jill
invited us back and she will be getting baptized on the 24th of August
with her girl named Maria! AMAZING! I am so excited for her. Who knew
the power of power-outages and sketchy bars???
As for tracting goes....
It is still my favorite part about missionary work. Lets talk about some of this week's highlights:
knocked on this woman's door and she answered the door covered in
nothing but a towel and we taught her the first lesson and invited her
to baptism. She said that she would have to get dressed first....hahaha.
I did not think that was that funny. but she did. Ah, man.
We were walking down the street and there was this
woman carrying like 50 groceries who was Hispanic. This equaled the
perfect opportunity for service, right? WRONG. She saw us see her and
started walking faster. So I ran. Yes, I ran to catch her and
asked if I could carry her groceries. She looked at me and said NO! So
then I just walked by her (we were hitting a light jog at this point)
and taught her about Jesus Christ. She finally softened, but then told
us she was a Jehovah's witness and doesn't want anything to do with us.
Ah, man.
We knocked on this one man's door and he yelled through
the door "Quien es?" (who is it?) and we told him. Then we heard him
lock the door and then he complained that he couldn't open his door.
When I told him that I could help him open his door, we heard the dead
bolt go on, and he said he just said it is impossible to get out. When I
offered to call the police to help him get out of his apartment, he
rejected and told us to go to a different door. When we went to the back
of the house....there was no other door. Ah, man.
We tried the "singing door approach" to spice things up
this week. If people wouldn't let us in the door. We sang "I am a child
of God" to them in Spanish. Almost 100% of the time, they would then
let us in and we were able to teach them. AMAZING. The power of music is
so real and both my companion and I love to sing, so we have had a
total blast. There was one lady who was really hesitant about letting us
teach her and then we sang. She said "Get in here girls!" My companion
and I just smiled at her and jumped into the restoration.
The Lord has helped us immensely. Actually, He has done
it all. None of this was me or my companion. We are just wanting to
work and work hard. The new motto for life has come up, because I am
sure not perfect, even though I try really hard. As a missionary it is
easy to get down on yourself (just like in life) and sometimes things
don't go as planned. But I have learned instead of getting down on
yourself it is better to face life with the attitude of: "Everyday in
every way, I am getting a little bit better and stronger." And although
we are going to slip up and make mistakes, I think all the Lord really
wants of us is that we are constantly progressing and becoming the
people and GODS we are meant to be.
Thank you so much for all the love and support you send
to me via email, letters, cards, packages and prayers. They are the
best thing in the world! May God bless you and I hope you never forget
who you are and what a great purpose you have on this earth.
I love you more than anything in the world. xoxox
Your biggest fan,
Hermana Weenig
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The bishop's daughter and her garden. We helped her weed for like 2 hrs! Her name is Cecilia! I love her |
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My twin! This man also has a "gimper" pinky like I do! He is an investigator, but insists that he and I are twins because of our deformed pinkies. |
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Yes, that is a birthday cake for a girl that turned 15 in our ward. For Hispanics, the 15th birthday is a bigger deal than marriage. |
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Desk of destiny. |
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Love my companion :) |
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